It seems to me that when religious liberty in Canada is being attacked on all sides, it is past time for Christians to stand with those brave men and women who unflinchingly declare, “Not on my watch.” Pastor James Coates of GraceLife Church in Spruce Grove is one such hero, and I’m grateful that Julie Lane’s blog speaks so powerfully to encourage every reader to stand with him.
What do you do when the emperor—or the president or prime minister—completely loses his head and issues orders and edicts that, if effected, would destroy the peace and liberty of the citizenry? You turn to the lesser magistrates (lower office holders) and remind them that they, too, hold their offices as gifts from God. You remind them that they, like their bosses, will someday be required to defend their rule before the King of kings and Lord of lords.
A surprising number of Christians believe Edmonton Pastor James Coates was wrong to lead his church to defy Alberta's COVID-19 restrictions. But what does God think? A walk through the Bible reveals an unexpected number of places where God defends those who are willing to challenge the powers that be for the glory of God.